There are over 200 known types of headache with different locations, degrees and qualities of pain, patterns of appearance, times of endurance, and causative factors. There is even a type called “medication overuse headache” due to the excessive intake of painkillers for headaches!
Studies suggest that the level of endorphins in the body may have a great impact on how people feel headaches. Thus, people who suffer from chronic or severe headaches may have lower levels of endorphins compared to people who do not complain of headaches.
Acupuncturecan successfully treat headaches due to its analgesic action associated with the release of natural endorphins in the brain, therefore its pain-relieving effects. Sessions focus on correcting the original cause of the headache in order to avoid reappearance. Call our Naturopathic Clinic in West Vancouver today to book an appointment with an acupuncturist!

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