Our Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Sara Kinnon, and our Nutritionist, Monique Zizzy, recently did a talk at John Oliver Secondary School on the dangers of consuming energy drinks, such as Red Bull. The lecture was part of a program run by the “Take a Hike Foundation” that works with at risk youth. The program aims to inspire and educate students through adventure based learning, therapy, community involvement and academic support.

Dr. Sara and Monique warned students of the harmful ingredients and extremely high levels of sugar and caffeine found in energy drinks. Effects of long term consumption can lead to insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, adrenal exhaustion, high blood pressure and more. These ingredients are even more harmful to a growing body, and aren’t recommended for those under sixteen years of age.

If you are looking for a refreshing drink with great taste why not reach for a bottle of Happy Planet instead? It’s really quite simple: if you can’t pronounce the ingredients, should you drink it? Look for basic ingredients such as good old water and 100% pure fruit!

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