castor oilMost of us hear the words “castor oil” and run for the hills! Visions of looming tablespoons full of thick, ill tasting oil that our mothers assured was “good for us” send our stomachs into a frenzy of protest. Fear not! We are not asking you to swallow castor oil, at our West Vancouver clinic we encourage our clients to do topical castor oil packs 2-3 times per week. Applied over the abdomen it aids in the elimination and detoxification processes of the body.

Simply cut a flannel sheet into wide strips and bunch them to form a soft pad. Liberally soak that pad in castor oil, wiping off any excess, get into a comfortable position and lay it over your abdomen. Place an old towel over top, one that you don’t mind getting oily, and top this with a hot water bottle. Do this at a time of day when you can relax, put your feet up and allow the heat to help the oil soak into your skin. Do this for 45-60 minutes.

You see? Warmth, relaxation and no swallowing of icky tasting liquids! We promised you it wouldn’t be what you expected! Castor oil packs can help in the treatment of fibroids, non-malignant ovarian cysts, headaches, liver disorders, gallbladder inflammation or stones, inflamed joints and more!

All of our medical grade, cold pressed castor oil bottles come with a detailed instruction sheet on how to to this simple yet highly effective therapy at home.

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