Neural therapy is a method of treating illness and pain caused by disturbances in the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). These disturbances are called “interference fields” and may be found in scars, damaged skin tissue, nerves, internal organs, and other places. With ANS dysfunction, the health of the individual is in question. Chronic illness, pain, and other symptoms are often the result of this dysfunction, or interference. The ANS controls circulation to each part of the body. When an emergency arises—such as an injury or surgery—the ANS changes circulation to the affected body part and causes the body to become unbalanced. Neural Therapy helps heal and restore balance to the ANS.

What does the ANS do?

The autonomic nervous system regulates the body’s automatic functions. It helps control, for example, heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, bowel movements, urination, sexual function, menstruation, perspiration, and skin temperature. Any symptom related to these functions, such as palpitations (rapid heartbeat), indigestion, constipation, or even cold hands may be partially or totally caused by an interference field. In order for the ANS to properly it needs to be able to effectively send important messages to our cells. An interference field is essentially an energy blockage that prevents this communication from happening

How is this treated?

An interference field can be found by locating trigger points on the body. Trigger points are tender to the touch and can often stimulate pain in other areas of the body as well. If a physician finds a trigger point, the accompanying interference field can be treated by injecting a local anaesthetic (pain killer). The anaesthetic releases the blockage and resets the ANS to its original setting. What can I expect to feel during treatment? Many clients report an immediate sense of release and relaxation. On occasion a feeling of energy rushing to the head can be felt, sometimes accompanied by an emotional release. Treatment can also stimulate the release of long held toxins stored in the body.

What can Neural Therapy Treat?

Neural Therapy can treat, but is not limited to adrenal dysfunction, asthma, pain (all types), epilepsy, hay fever, infertility, insomnia, intestinal problems, sinusitis, sciatica, shoulder pain, surgical scars and more. Talk to Naturopathic Doctor Sara Kinnon today at the Bellevue Natural Health Clinic.

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