During your consultation the Doctor will discuss your major health concerns with you and asses the health of your body by performing a simple and brief examination.

This will include looking at the color and texture of your tongue, reading your pulse and examining the eyes. You are encouraged to ask any questions about the process that you may have, and a treatment plan will be developed based on your mutual communication.

It is advised that you arrive to your appointment approximately 10 minutes early in order to fill out a brief intake form.Should you decide to receive Acupuncture treatment that day, the doctor will inform you of how long your session will be.

Many people find Acupuncture to be extremely relaxing, but there are certain points on the body where you may feel the needle more than others. Acupuncture needles are very thin and are designed to be as un-invasive as possible, and it is a relatively painless procedure.

Contact your West Vancouver Acupuncturist at Bellevue Natural Health Clinic today!

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